Our Process

Marketing manager explains the vision behind an internal communications video.

The essentials

Your project will be off to a great start if you can give your producer a detailed vision of why you want a video in the first place.

The more clearly you can answer some basic questions for yourself, the more quickly you can assess whether a producer understands your specific needs and can create the video you want.


What you you hope to accomplish by telling this story? You’ll know this project is successful if… Keep asking “why?” until you can’t go any farther.


Audience is everything to a storyteller. Who’s going to watch this video? What message should they take away? Who is the person or group you most want to receive this message.


Viewing platform dictates a lot of decisions in the production process, particularly the length of the video. Since length and cost are closely linked, the viewing platform is an important consideration from the start.


How long does it take to make a video? That depends on how soon you need it. Any number of factors go into how long it takes to get to a finished product, so give us your deadline and we’ll plan a production that will meet it.

How much

Budget is crucial to understanding how you will tell your story. The question is not “can I afford a video?” but, “what kind of video can I afford?” We’ll work with you to tell your story within your budget.